Sunday, December 11, 2016

Shot: December 11th 2016

I'm sitting writing this as Odell scores a touchdown on the Cowboys, as my twitter timeline is covered in hot Westbrook takes, so I figured I'd take five minutes and write a post season Big 12 rankings just for giggles

#1 Oklahoma - Duh
#2 Oklahoma State
#3 West Virginia
#4 Kansas State

The above is all fairly clean cut. 5- 10 is a hot mess

#5 Baylor -
#6 TCU
#7 Texas Tech
#8 Iowa State
#9 Texas
#10 Kansas

So that took like five seconds to do, I feel better now.

 Remember you don't have to give attention to things you don't like. I would also like to remind you that nothing good comes from ripping people a new bhole on twitter, vent piss &moan but don't direct hate at anyone. It's not a good look