Both team players are going to be wearing state specific shoes american logo styles shoes and gloves
image cred: UA Accountt
image credit:Gerry Hamilton ESPN
Team Highlight Uni
Team Armour Uni
image creditsUA Account
Those visors are clean too.
Shifting focus from swag to actual participants and news
Team Highlight Reps
TE: Grant Calcaterra
DB:Justin Broiles
DB:Tre Brown
Team Armour Reps
OL: Tyrese Robinson
I've had people ask if that means recruits aren't performing well. Don't take reports/non reports as gospel, its a short week and the goal is not to get hurt. The players you see Sunday won't be the same players you see on the field nine months or sixteen months from now after strength and conditioning and actual college coaching. Players went from being THE GUY on their squad and likely division to being another guy in a room full of THE GUYS. Don't sweat it much
That being said talent shows out and OU commit Justin Broiles has had a great week and has apparently been hitting the recruits hard hoping to get some commits. Kid will be a fan favorite. Tyrese Robinson has had his moments on social media and has had some criticism as well, like i said he'll grow. It's been quiet on Calcetta and Brown to this point, don't read too much into that.
The Game will air Tomorrow Sunday, Jan1 @ 1pm est on ESPN